Water plays a vital role in our lives. It is a basic necessity in our body as it maintains fluid balance, improves health and brain activity, and even helps burn fat. Water should not be taken for granted as a lack of fluid disrupts vital functions.
Science and research have proven that water impacts weight loss and metabolism. Drinking more than 2 liters of water everyday speeds up the fat burning process by 30%.
Here are some tips for drinking more water.
- Upon waking up, drink a glass of warm water with lemon on it. It does not only detoxify but also start the metabolic process in the body.
- Drink water 20 minutes before a meal. Doing so will significantly reduce the appetite, so you eat lesser food.
- Buy a tumbler or bottle for water to help you remember to drink water every day.
- Drink cold water with ice to speed up metabolism.
- You may want to add slices of lime and ginger because these increase calorie burning.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
- Eat vegetables and fruit to hydrate your body more.
- Do not forget to drink water after drinking coffee or tea.
- Always drink a glass of water after going to the bathroom to refill the lost fluid in your body.
- Mobile apps are also helpful in reminding you to drink more water.
Make these tips a part of your everyday routine, and you’ll gradually see changes after a few weeks.
Always keep your mind and body healthy to help you live life to the fullest.